Connectors - IRISO Electronics co.,ltd.





接圧 コネクタの接点同士が接触している時の圧力です。 本用語を含むコンテンツをサイト内で検索する

コネクタの信頼性評価 – 機械特性試験 –

コネクタの信頼性評価 – 機械特性試験 – 衝撃、振動、微摺動など、様々な環境下において、製品の信頼性や耐久性能を担保するため、あらゆる試験を行っております。代表的な機械特性試験装置をご紹介致します。 全自動振動試験装置 […]

Connectors are fighting! ? Causes and countermeasures for poor connector connection

Connectors are fighting! ? Causes and countermeasures for poor connector connections When it comes to electrical connections, I think it's common sense to think, ``If two pieces of metal touch each other, there will be continuity, right?'' Before entering the connector industry, I majored in electrical engineering as a student […]

Why are connector terminals plated?

Why are connector terminals plated? Plating is an integral part of connectors. However, the types and configurations of plating are quite complicated. I have many years of experience working as an engineer in industries other than connectors. Several years ago as a non-technical person in the connector industry, […]

Types and features of FPC / FFC Connectors

FPC / FFC Connectors, as the name suggests, are connectors made for the purpose of connecting FPC/FFC. Connect the Mating part to the FPC/FFC that is arranged on the terminal. This connector-Mating FPC/FFC is also called a card. Pi […]

What is a High heat-resistant Connector?

What is a High heat-resistant Connector? If you search the web for "High heat-resistant Connector," you'll find a variety of products, ranging from those with a heat resistance of about 80°C to those that are said to support up to 680°C. It is a little confusing for those who are […]

NON-ZIFタイプ/NON-ZIFコネクタ(Non-Zero Insertion Force)

NON-ZIFタイプ/NON-ZIFコネクタ(Non-Zero Insertion Force) ZIFコネクタではない、すなわちカードをコネクタに嵌合するときに力(挿入力)が必要なコネクタです。挿入力の比較的低いものを […]


抜き接点 金属板を端子形状に打ち抜いたときの「厚み」面に形成される接点形状です。単位面積当たりの接圧が上がり、ワイピング効果等を高く維持できる傾向があります。異物付着が懸念されるような用途や、相手側がコネクタではないケー […]

High heat-resistant Connector

What is High heat-resistant Connector? IRISO Co., Ltd.'s High heat-resistant Connector maintain long-term connection reliability in high-temperature environments. We have made it possible to select the optimum material and structure by utilizing the know-how and CAE obtained from the many reliability evaluations we have carried out so far […]


スライダーロックタイプ/スライダータイプ スライダーの両端を引き出してロックを解除するタイプ(カバーはスライド動作)。 カードをコネクタへ挿入した後で、スライダーという部品を押し込むことで端子ごとカードを押さえつけ、接圧 […]

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