Connectors - IRISO Electronics co.,ltd.





ニッケルバリア 過度の半田上がりを防ぐため、ソルダーテイルに施す構造のことです。半田濡れ性の悪いニッケルメッキ層を、一部意図的に露出させる事でそこから上の半田の吸い上げを防ぎます。 本用語を含むコンテンツをサイト内で検索 […]

Why are connector terminals plated?

Why are connector terminals plated? Plating is an integral part of connectors. However, the types and configurations of plating are quite complicated. I have many years of experience working as an engineer in industries other than connectors. Several years ago as a non-technical person in the connector industry, […]

0.5mm pitch Floating Connector (high-speed transmission, Right angle connection)

0.5mm pitch Floating Connector (high-speed transmission/ Right angle connection) Board to Board Connectors specialized for Right angle connection, consisting of a vertical Floating Socket Connectors and a right angle plug connector. Realizing high mounting density with a narrow pitch of 0.5 mm, high […]

0.5mm pitch Floating Connector (high profile, large Floating)

0.5mm Pitch Floating Connector (high profile /Large Floating) This is a highly reliable Board to Board Connectors with 2-point contacts and a large Floating range that exceeds the pitch and supports Mating Height of 20 to 30mm. On this page, 0.5mm pitch Floating structure […]

0.5mm pitch Floating Connector (standard)

0.5mm pitch Floating Connector (standard) Based on Right angle connection of 2-point contacts, options for Mating compatibility include Right angle connection, high-speed transmission (bellows single-point contact), low insertion/extraction force single-point contact (for Right angle connection), etc. We also have basic […]


コンプレッションターミナルとは コンプレッションターミナルは、グランド端子、アースターミナル、オンボードコンタクトやスプリング端子等様々な呼び方で呼ばれる製品で、当社では「コンプレッションターミナル」に呼称を統一していま […]